Wednesday 29 February 2012


Good morning. A quick peek of my wedding invitations. They are all lined up an ready to be put into envelopes. They are being sent out on Friday so I will post some better pics of them then.

Thanks for visiting


  1. Hi Gill

    Bit of a tease here - been lying sideways on the desk with nose pressed against the screen trying to get a close look :) Remember to post them in their full glory ASAP - your snippets playmates are waiting! How exciting - you do realise that there might be a little coach load of St Trinians crafters arriving on the big day. Then we could have an archway of us clutching (say) our trimmers instead of swords :)) Happy WOYWW.

    Di xx

  2. Lovely tidy desk, very elegant cards.

  3. Beautiful work, you are so organised, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x x

  4. They look fab, Gillian. You are so organised! x

  5. It must be so lovely to receive a hand crafted invite:)
    xx 104

  6. Phew! What a great accomplishment! Congrats on getting them done. They are beautiful. Have a great WOYWW! -Amanda 80

  7. Your desk is looking pretty neat there. I kind of have this urge to go ruffle it up a bit. The invitations look lovely so maybe I won't.

  8. I'm with Di on this one and have cricked my neck trying to get a better peek! Happy WOYWWing. Debbie #89

  9. Love the look of your invites, you've presented them well to us, I'd love to see them up close. Happy Wednesday to you, enjoy your snoop around the oh so creative desks and take care. Zo xx 83

  10. Lovely tidy desk Gillian! The invites look gorgeous, been trying to tilt my head and see them better but no luck!
    Laura xx

  11. Hi Gillian

    Your invitations look beautiful!

    Can't wait to see a close up.

    Love Jules xx

  12. I think you have my postal code wrong...hahahaha
    Lovely invites. you have done a beautiful job and must be so proud of them.
    See ya next week.

  13. The invitations look utterly gorgeous. Time and love well invested, won't it be nice to get them off your desk and out there doing their job! Oh, and take Di seriously!!!

  14. very organized area that is for sure..

  15. gorgeous and glamorous! Well done you! They will be cherished...Sarah at 1 having a late WOYWW peek and blog nose on Friday!


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