Tuesday 6 March 2012

Snippet Playground Time

Good Morning,

Time to head over to the Snippet Playground for my turn on the swings! Di opened the playground with a fab card for a man, always a difficult one for us card makers.

My card this week was made using bits I had left over from playing with some news bits for my stash.

Now I know that Di has been dying to see my wedding invitations, so I decided to use the playground for the grand unveiling! (this is going to be such an anticlimax).

Ta Da!!!!!
Di has come up with the suggestion of my bloggy buddies coming along on the big day and using their trimmers to form an arch instead of swords!  I personally think she is just wanting to use up her snippets as confetti!

Hope you all like the invitations.

Thanks for visiting


  1. Oh YES Gilly, super invitations! So elegant and I love the pink with the three diamantes. Bet they were a labour of love but worth all the effort. Ha, ha - I see the date for our diaries is 30th June - plenty of time to make a shed load of confetti then :)

    Love your snippets make too - really clever using the left over after die cutting an embellishment. The papers and image you used are perfect too.

    Must fly, I have some snipping to do :))


  2. Love the colours on your card and the dp. Your invitations are very elegant. I've got loads of scrap pieces that would make a ton of confetti - hee hee. x

  3. Wow Gillian .. .. not an anticlimax at all!!! I love your invitations and how lovely to share them in the snippet playground!!

    Gosh we could make a skip load of confetti between us.

    Loving your male snippet card too. Gorgeous colours.

    Love Jules xx

  4. WOW can't beleive I haven't stopped by for so long. Things have been a bit crazy 'round here. Your cards are all so lovely. I Love the colors on this card and the dp is fab. Your invitations are lovely and very elegant.
    Hugs & Blessings

  5. Whoop Whoop Gillian ... firstly, a TERRIFICALLY pretty snippet card, and seconly, I LOVE your elegant wedding invitation. Congrats.

    Off to make some confetti . . . . xxx

  6. Your wedding invitation is very elegant. Did someone mention confetti? When is the skip for it being delivered.!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Fab snippet card Gilly and I love your Wedding invitation. I've got a box full of punch waste hearts - would make perfect confetti (perhaps I should market it!) Carol x


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